Catania Football Club reiterates the invitation to donate blood, emphasizing the fundamental social importance of a precious act of solidarity.
The appeal is reiterated in 2025 by ARNAS Garibaldi, which will once again be present with its hospital bloodmobile on Sunday, January 12, from 8:00 to 11:30, in front of the entrance to Tribune A of the "Angelo Massimino" Stadium. The transfusion service healthcare professionals will conduct eligibility tests for donation for those who have never donated blood or who have not donated for more than two years. The initiative stems from the agreement with our club presented by the Regional Blood Center on November 30, 2024, in synergy with ARNAS Garibaldi, to promote the culture of donation among sports enthusiasts and rossazzurri fans. The hospital company, which assists over two hundred hemoglobinopathy patients and has highly specialized surgical departments, is unable to be self-sufficient in terms of collecting the necessary blood units for transfusions and is therefore forced to import them from other Sicilian centers; in August, even from Northern Italy. For the eligibility test, it is necessary to arrive fasting (coffee and a light breakfast without milk and derivatives are allowed).