On the eve of the departure for Trapani, coach Ferraro answered the journalists' questions in the press room: “We won the championship for some time - declared the rossazzurro coach - but we always try to improve, we have to close with a great performance in Trapani and give a response to the public, to society and to ourselves. You always have to win with this shirt. We will not have the convalescents Sarno and Somma, Jefferson and Chiarella are not recovering: all the others are available. Catania has made a league of its own, we need to give great credit to our group and congratulate all the others. In Trapani you have to go with your head and legs loaded, you need maximum concentration: to hit the playoffs they have to beat us, we know this and we have prepared the match taking this into account too. We must always remember that we will also be judged by the latest performances. The joy in the eyes of the executives is the most important recognition for me, I see that they are happy with the work we have done. Regardless of what happens in the future, I am happy with this and think about the present. Catania made me grow as a man and as a coach. I'm sorry for the absence of our fans, I think football needs people. I thank our supporters for the affection I constantly receive”.