On the eve of the departure for Campania, coach Ferraro answered questions from journalists in the press room, in view of the match against Real Aversa: "Catania's goal is always victory, this is our only thought for the our fans. The standings say that we have 25 points more than the second but we have to think about winning these three races and then the poule scudetto. Choices relating to training are made on the basis of the work week and those unavailable: whoever pushes plays and whoever keeps the pace high. For me, consistency is key. Added to Rizzo's disqualification and Somma's unavailability are the absences of Palermo, Jefferson and a feverish Litteri but this doesn't scare us, we have an important squad and we would have won the championship even without 3, 4 or 5 players, we have a of holders. Whoever plays will be able to prove to me that I was wrong in not choosing him earlier. Real Aversa is playing for salvation, Catania must be good at having the right approach without looking for excuses related to the playing field. The performance against Sancataldese gives me confidence for the future, we have created a lot and the only regret is the result”.