The vice president and managing director Vincenzo Grella and the general manager Luca Carra recently participated in the conference "Football and Sport in general as Education to Legality", promoted by the "Catania Rossazzurra" association, meeting at the "Don Bosco" young people of the "San Francesco di Sales" Institute: during the meeting, after the interventions of school principals Vincenzo Timpano and Donatella Cantone, the rossazzurri principals offered answers and points of view drawn from their experience together with Professor Felice Giuffrè, member of the Council Superior of the Judiciary, and to the lawyer Antonino Di Stefano, President of the Council of the Order of Lawyers of Catania. The main theme of the meeting, also analyzed through episodes of sporting news, was the basic importance of respecting the rules, which gives chances and prospects for full realization in every area of social life.