After the 2-0 inflicted on the Accademia Trapani in the semifinals thanks to goals from Catania and Fascetta, Catania Under 16 prevailed in the final 1-0 with goals from Nania against CUS Palermo at the "Merendino" in Capo d'Orlando , today, by winning the Sicily Football Cup 2023.
In the first five matches, played between Friday and Saturday, the youngsters coached by Giovanni Costanzo had collected four victories (3-0 with Ragusa Boys, 2-0 with Aga Messina, 2-1 with Porto Empedocle and 4-0 with Campobello Licata) and a draw (0-0 with Katane).
For our boys, a well-deserved and significant success in terms of growth.
Best player of the tournament, the rossazzurro midfielder Giuseppe Pannitteri.