After his fifth consecutive victory, seventeenth in this championship and sixth away, coach Ferraro answered questions from journalists in the press room, demonstrating his satisfaction with the performance and the result: "It's an important victory, on a difficult pitch against and a great team, really great response. Congratulations to the boys and the group, playing on Saturday is a little more difficult in terms of concentration and I jokingly said that we would only give permission after the game but today, against a lady team, we demonstrated Catania's strength: Vibonese was game to win the championship like other teams, Catania is doing something extraordinary. In the first half I appreciated the ball movement, value and intensity emerged in the second half. I am lucky to coach this group. We must never look at the standings but always try to convince with performance. The boys really have great spirit, desire to train, play and prove their worth; our focus is always the we, not the me. At the moment we have a remarkable athletic freshness, the stop was useful for us".