Catania SSD announces that it has acquired the right to the sports services of the footballer Alessandro Amedeo De Respinis, born in Magenta (Milan) on 13 July 1993. In the first part of the current season, with Sangiuliano City, the forward has collected 9 appearances in Serie C, in group A. Raised in the youth sectors of Milan and Novara, the Lombard athlete made his debut in the Second Division with Mantova. After two seasons with the Virgilian club, De Respinis collected his first experiences in the third series with Santarcangelo and Siracusa. He experienced the best years in terms of scoring in D, from 2017/18 to 2019/20, scoring a total of 35 goals with the Lumezzane and Sondrio shirts. Again in C, he also wore the shirts of Pro Sesto, Piacenza and Vis Pesaro. He signed 25 goals in professional competitions.